Workshop: Iluze změny 

s Fransem Melmeesterem 6.9.23 (ANGLICKY s překladem)

V rámci nabídky workshopů organizovaných IVGT nabízíme tento workshop s našim vzácným hostem Fransem Meulmeesterem. Workshop bude probíhat v angličtině a překlad na místě bude zajištěn. Těšíme se na vás! 

The illusion of change. 

Be yourself .... become yourself!

The illusion of change.

How much do we wish the client to become himself/herself?

But are we really honest in that? How is it for us, when the client develops in a way, that we maybe think "This is not good for him/her?"

Are we really fully open to how the client is and how he/she is developing?

Or .... are we maybe secretly hoping that the client will develop the way we think it would be good?

We want him/her to be stronger. We want so deeply that he/she will stand up for him/herself.

In other words: how many times are we not putting our wishes, 'blueprints' on the clients?

Be yourself ..... but of course .... my way.

During this workshop we will explore how we as therapists maybe unconsciously bring our ideals, wishes, values and standards onto our clients, how we maybe are actually modelling our clients. And of course, how can we become more aware of this tendency in ourselves to be able to let the client more free.

Frans Meulmeester

I am working as a Gestalt trainer, therapist, coach, supervisor and consultant for more than 30 years.

I was a staff member of the former MultidiMens Gestalt Institute in Belgium, and now, I am involved as a staff member to help building up gestalt institutes, like we did with the Bulgarian Gestalt Institute in Sofia, Bulgaria, the Caucasian Institute for Gestalt therapy and Family therapy in Tbilisi, Georgia and the Gestalt Institute Nepal in Kathmandu, Nepal. Next to that I am a faculty member or guest trainer in many other Gestalt institutes in Europe, like e.g. the IVGT in Prague, Czech Republic, The Relational Change Organisation in the UK, The Gestalt centre in Lodz, Poland etc.

As a therapist and counsellor, I was seeing clients in my private practice, and I have worked for about 25 years in a counselling centre for clients with cancer.

As a coach/consultant, I have mainly worked in healthcare and education.

Working in other countries and other cultures has always been a passion. It enriches me and deepens my understanding of my own culture, assumptions and what I take for granted.

I am a registered member of the EAGT as therapist, GPO and supervisor and as an European Certified Psychotherapist of the EAP.


Pro koho je určen: studenti a absolventi terapeutických výcviků v Gestalt terapii.

Lektor: Frans Meulmeester

Termín a časy: 6. 9. 2023 (10 - 18 h)

Počet účastníků: min. 12 a max. 20

Místo konání: IVGT - Přední Kopanina

Počet hodin: 7h

Cena semináře: 1 800 Kč

Workshop probíhá anglicky, překlad na místě zajištěn.